PROJECT: PlanWithEase

Hi! I am Yunwei, a student from the National University of Singapore (NUS). I love to build applications that improve people’s lives.

This portfolio documents my involvement in a software development project, through which my teammates and me created a degree planner application within one school semester. This portfolio shows what the project is about and my contribution to the project.


For this project, we aim to simplify the process of degree-planning among NUS information security students.


As a developer, my role in the project was writing codes to enable users to:

  • Add modules to the degree plan.

  • Remove modules from the degree plan.

  • Know the modules suggested to put inside the degree plan.

Summary of contributions

This section summarises my contribution to the project.

  • Major enhancement: added the ability to add/remove module codes to/from the degree plan

    • What it does: allows the user to add module codes to the degree plan, and remove the codes from the degree plan.

    • Justification: This feature can be crucial because the degree plan is an important section that enables the users to plan well. Therefore, adding and removing the module codes are essential features that make PWE fulfill its purpose.

    • Highlights: This enhancement aims to prevent possible errors, including the hidden ones that may occur when other parts of the software get modified. Besides, the model and logic implementation for the feature is kept as minimalistic as possible to reduce unnecessary coupling.

  • Minor enhancement: added a command to suggest modules to put inside the degree plan.

  • Code contributed: [Commits] [RepoSense Code Contribution Dashboard]

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users to facilitate mastering of PlanWithEase's features. .

Adding modules : planner_add planner add F17D3F

Want to add modules to the degree plan?
Make use of the planner_add command to add one or multiple modules to the degree plan.

Command Format: planner_add year/YEAR sem/SEMESTER code/CODE [code/CODE]…

  • 3 and 4 for SEMESTER indicates special term semesters 1 and 2 respectively.

  • All the module(s) to be added must exist in the module list.

  • All the module(s) to add must not have duplicate(s) in the degree plan.

  • For the following two points, added to the valid semester is defined as: The semesters in which module(s) are offered should contain the semester to which the module(s) are added.

  • The module(s) must be added to the valid semester.

  • The co-requisite(s) of the module(s) added must be added to the valid semester.

  • After adding, the updated degree plan will be displayed.


  • planner_add year/1 sem/3 code/CS1010
    Adds module CS1010 to year 1 semester 3 (special term semester 1) of the degree plan.

  • planner_add year/1 sem/4 code/CS1231 code/CS2040C
    Adds modules CS1231 and CS2040C to year 1 semester 4 (special term semester 2) of the degree plan.

  • planner_add year/1 sem/2 code/CS2113T code/CS2107
    Adds modules CS2113T and CS2107 to year 1 semester 2 of the degree plan.

Removing modules : planner_remove planner remove F17D3F

Want to remove modules from the degree plan?
Make use of planner_remove command to remove one or multiple modules from the degree plan.

Command Format: planner_remove code/CODE [code/CODE]…

  • All the module(s) to remove must exist in the degree plan.

  • After removing, the updated degree plan will be displayed.


  • planner_remove code/CS1231
    Removes module CS1231 from the degree plan.

  • planner_remove code/CS2100 code/CS2040C
    Removes modules CS2100 and CS2040C from the degree plan. ==== Using degree plan to suggest modules : planner_suggest planner suggest F17D3F

Having trouble identifying modules to add to the degree plan?
Make use of planner_suggest command to find out recommended modules to add to the degree plan.

Command Format: planner_suggest credits/CREDITS [tag/TAG]…

When this command is successfully executed, the result box will display modules recommended.

  • Maximum 10 modules are recommended in the recommendation list.

  • In addition to the recommendation list, supplementary information on the specific modules with matching tags and credits is given as two additional lists. The modules in the two additional lists are all from the recommendation list.

  • Modules recommended in all 3 aforementioned lists are sorted according to the following criteria:

    • For modules with different number of tags that match the desirable tags (matching tags), modules with more matching tags will be sorted to the front of the list.

    • If modules have the same number of matching tags but different credits, modules with the credits closer to the desirable credits will be sorted to the front of the list.

    • If modules have the same number of matching tags and credits, they will be sorted according to alphabetical order.

    • If tag/TAG is not supplied as a parameter in the command, modules will be sorted according to credits and alphabetical order only.

  • All modules in the recommendation list and the two additional lists are modules not found in the degree plan.


  • planner_suggest credits/4
    Suggests maximum 10 modules not found in the degree plan, prioritizing modules with credits closer to 4. If tie, prioritizes according to alphabetical order.

  • planner_suggest credits/2 tag/algorithms
    Suggests maximum 10 modules not found in the degree plan, prioritizing modules with tag algorithms. If tie, prioritizes according to credits closer to 2. If tie again, prioritizes according to alphabetical order.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Planner Add Feature

The planner_add command in PWE is used to add module code(s) to the degree plan.

Current implementation

The planner_add command requires the PlannerAddCommandParser class to parse the user input provided. The parsed data will then be passed to the PlannerAddCommand class.

The input should contain the year and semester of the degree plan as well as the module code(s) to be added.

PlannerAddCommandParser will throw an error if the user input does not match the command format.

When PlannerAddCommand receives the parsed data, it will perform the following checks:

  • Check if the year and semester exist in the degree plan

  • Check if the module codes provided exist in PWE through model.hasModuleCode

  • Check if the module codes have already been added to the degree plan

  • Check if the co-requisites of modules provided already exist in other semesters of the degree plan

PlannerAddCommand will throw an error if any of the above checks fails.

After passing all of the above checks, PlannerAddCommand updates the context in ModelManager through setDegreePlanner.

In addition to adding module code(s) to the degree plan, the PlannerAddCommand class also saves the current database state through commitApplication (for undo/redo functions).

Figure 1. PlannerAddCommand component interactions part 1
Figure 2. PlannerAddCommand component interactions part 2

Design Considerations

Aspect: Choice of whether to deal with certain possible errors when the application gets modified.
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Checking for invalid co-requisites as well as non-existent year and semester in degree plan.


Software is more secure against possible errors.


Harder to maintain.

  • Alternative 2: Skipping checks for invalid co-requisites as well as non-existent year and semester in degree plan.


Easier to maintain.


When certain parts of the software get modified, some errors may occur with this command. For instance, a user may use EditCommand to edit co-requisites. If the check was not in place and the edit command fails to add the edited co-requisites to the degree plan, the user will then be able to add the co-requisites to invalid semesters of the degree plan.

Planner Remove Feature

The planner_remove command in PWE is used to remove module code(s) from the degree plan.

Current implementation

The planner_remove command requires the PlannerRemoveCommandParser class to parse the user input provided. The parsed data will then be passed to the PlannerRemoveCommand class.

The input should contain the module code(s) to be removed.

PlannerRemoveCommandParser will throw an error if the user input does not match the command format.

When PlannerRemoveCommand receives the parsed data, it will perform the following checks:

  • Check if the module codes to remove exist in the degree plan.

PlannerRemoveCommand will throw an error if any of the above checks fails.

After passing all of the above checks, PlannerRemoveCommand updates the context in ModelManager through setDegreePlanner.

In addition to removing module code(s) from the degree plan, the PlannerRemoveCommand class also saves the current database state through commitApplication (for undo/redo functions).

Figure 3. PlannerRemoveCommand class diagram

Design Considerations

Aspect: Choice of whether to use getDegreePlannerByCode method for removing module codes.
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Looping through all semesters of the degree plan instead of using getDegreePlannerByCode to identify the relevant semesters of the codes to remove.


Simpler code.


May loop through extra semesters when there are few module codes to remove.

  • Alternative 2: Using getDegreePlannerByCode method to identify the relevant semesters containing the code to remove. Removing the codes in the selected semester only.


When there are few module codes to remove, the method may incur in slightly less overhead.


When there are N modules to remove, while the current method only needs 16 (total number of semesters) outer loops, this alternative method needs N outer loops. Moreover, getDegreePlannerByCode method itself also needs to loop through the DegreePlanner List to find out the right semester. The time complexity for both methods can be the same.

Planner Suggest Feature

The planner_suggest command in PWE is used to suggest module code(s) to add to the degree plan.

Current implementation

The planner_suggest command requires the PlannerSuggestCommandParser class to parse the user input provided. The parsed data will then be passed to the PlannerSuggestCommand class.

The input should contain the desirable credits. Another optional input is the desirable tags.

PlannerSuggestCommandParser will throw an error if the user input does not match the command format.

After passing the above check, PlannerSuggestCommand will make the result box display 3 lists of modules. The first list is the main recommendation list that sorts the modules in a specific way and displays maximum 10 most recommended modules. The second and the third list respectively displays the modules with matching tags and modules with matching credits. The modules in the two lists should also exist in the main recommendation list.

If tag is supplied as a parameter in input, modules will be sorted according to tags first. Modules with greater number of tags that match the desirable tags will be prioritized. If tie, modules with credits closer to the desirable credits will be prioritized. If tie again, modules will be sorted according to alphabetical order.

Figure 4. PlannerSuggestCommand activity diagram

Design Considerations

Aspect: Choice of where to put ModuleToSuggest class.
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Put ModuleToSuggest as inner class of PlannerSuggestCommand class.


Cleaner model for the Application.


The inner class has access to the private and protected members of the outer class, which can be unnecessary.

  • Alternative 2: Put ModuleToSuggest as a separate class apart from PlannerSuggestCommand class.


Better encapsulation for PlannerSuggestCommand class.


As no other class needs to access the ModuleToSuggest class, making it a separate class is unnecessary and makes the model more complex.