PROJECT: PlanWithEase

Greetings! I am Yeo Cheng Hong, a Year 2 student studying in the National University of Singapore (NUS).
I have a burning passion for developing applications and software that have a positive impact on peoples’ life.

This portfolio serves as a documentation of my contributions and involvements of a team-based project that I recently worked on for a module (CS2113T Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming) here at NUS.

This project was completed over the span of 8 weeks by me and 4 other amazing students (Ahn TaeGyu, Bai YunWei, Lee Yu Choy, Ngo Wei Lin).

I believe that this project is able to illustrate how I am able to turn my passion into a positive impact.


PlanWithEase (PWE) is an application designed to help National University of Singapore (NUS) Information Security freshmen in creating a comprehensive degree plan according to the degree requirements.

The main motivation behind PWE is to assist students by simplify the degree planning process, and at the same time provide them with an overview of the degree plan so that they are able to make informed decisions.


Understanding This Project Portfolio

The following symbols are used throughout this project portfolio:

This symbol denotes information that you may want to take note of when using PlanWithEase.

This symbol denotes a tip which you may find useful when using PlanWithEase.

This symbol denotes a warning message which you need to be careful of when using PlanWithEase.

Summary of contributions

This section provides an overview of the contributions that I have made to this project

  • Major enhancement: Degree Requirement Management

    • This feature allows the user to manage the degree requirement categories in PlanWithEase easily using the requirement_add, requirement_remove and requirement_move and requirement_list commands.

    • Justification: This feature allows users to be able to keep track of the various different requirement categories. So that they are able to fulfill all the degree requirement categories in order to graduate on time.

    • Highlights: This enhancement provides an overview of all the degree requirement categories by listing the modules added to each degree requirement category as well as the current credit count of each degree requirement category.

  • Code contributed : [Commits] [Pull Requests] [RepoSense Code Contribution Dashboard]

  • Notable Enhancements to the project:

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Updated the UI aesthetics: #133

    • Signification Modification of Address Book code base for use in PWE:

      • Implementation of RequirementCategory model: #43

      • Combination of all Versioned class to a single: VersionAddressBook class #69

    • Documentation:

      • Update of user stories and Use Cases: #61

    • Community:

      • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: Forum #25)

      • Reported bugs in another team’s project, LIFE (examples: Issues #55, #62, #65, #67, #75)

Contributions to the User Guide

The following are documentations made to the User Guide which acts as manual on how to use the features that I have implemented in PWE. On top of that, it provides me with an opportunity to showcase my ability to write documentation for end-users.

Requirement Tracker

The requirement tracker allows you to manage and and track your degree requirements so that you are always on-track for graduation!

This section contains the various commands that you can use in this application to add, remove, move and list modules to and from the specified requirement categories in this application.

The following table describes the parameters you may use for the commands in this section.



Acceptable Range of Values


Indicates the name of degree requirement category (e.g. IT Professionalism).

NAME must be one of the following values (case-insensitive):
1. Computing Foundation
2. Information Security Requirements
3. Information Security Electives
4. Computing Breadth
5. IT Professionalism
6. Mathematics
7. General Education
8. Unrestricted Electives


Indicates the module code (e.g. CS2101).

CODE must begin with two or three alphabets, followed by four digits, and may optionally end with an alphabet.
CODE is case-insensitive.

NAME and CODE (where applicable) must not be empty or blank.

  • Both NAME and CODE parameters are case insensitive. (e.g. computing foundation will match Computing Foundation)

  • CODE is treated as uppercase (e.g. cs1010 is treated as CS1010), and should be unique.

  • Only full words will be matched. (e.g. foundation will not match Computing Foundation)

Adding modules : requirement_add requirement add 8AB702

Want to see if you have fulfilled a particular degree requirement category?​

Simply add the module code to a degree requirement category using the requirement_add command to find out.

Command Format: requirement_add name/NAME code/CODE [code/CODE]…


  • requirement_add name/IT Professionalism code/IS4231
    Adds the module code IS4231 to the degree requirement category IT Professionalism.

The two images below this command describes what you should see when you execute the above command

  • requirement_add name/Computing Foundation code/CS1231 code/CS2100
    Adds module codes CS1231 and CS2100 to the degree requirement category Computing Foundation.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

The following are documentations made to the Developer Guide to serve as a manual to guide the developers on how the features are implemented PWE as well as insights on the design considerations made. On top of that, it provides me an opportunity to showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to PWE..

Requirement Add Feature

The requirement add feature in the application aims to help users to keep track and check if they have fulfilled a particular degree requirement category by adding module code(s) to the specified requirement category.

Current implementation

When the user invokes the requirement_add command, e.g. (requirement_add name/Mathematics code/MA1531).
The following steps are taken by the application.

1. The CommandParser invokes the RequirementAddCommandParser class to parse the user input provided. The parsed data will then be used to create a RequirementAddCommand object and will be returned to LogicManager.

  • The input should only consist of the name of the requirement category and module code(s) to be added

  • RequirementAddCommandParser will throw an error if the user input does not match the command format

2. Upon receiving the RequirementAddCommand object, LogicManager would then invoke the RequirementAddCommand class to pass the object received.

Once invoked, RequirementAddCommand will perform the following checks on the object received:
* Check if the degree requirement category exists in the application through getRequirementCategory
* Check if the module codes provided exists in the application through model.hasModuleCode
* Check if the module codes have already been added to other degree requirement categories
* Check if the module codes have already been added to the specified degree requirement category through RequirementCategory.hasModuleCode

RequirementAddCommand will throw an error if any of the above checks fails.

3. After passing all of the above checks, RequirementAddCommand updates the context in Model through setRequirementCategory.

4. In addition to adding module code(s) to the specified degree requirement category, the RequirementAddCommand class also saves the current database state through commitApplication (for undo/redo functions).

The sequence diagram below shows how this command interacts with the Logic components as described above.

  • You can click on the image below, so that it is enlarged in a new tab (only works on github)

  • The sequence diagram has been extracted into 2 sub-diagrams to better illustrate the component interactions

Figure 1. RequirementAddCommand component interactions
Figure 2. Component interactions of the checks performed by RequirementAddCommand class

Design Considerations

This section describes the various design considerations the taken when implementing the requirement_add feature.

Aspect: Choice of what is stored in the requirement category storage file

The table below shows a comparison between the two approaches that could have been implemented.




1. Storing only the module codes in the requirement category storage file

  • Lesser storage space is required as only the module code is being stored

  • Easy to maintain, as only one information is being stored

  • Extra overhead is required when additional information related to the module is retrieved

2. Storing all information related to the modules but only the module code is displayed

  • Any information related to the modules is easily retrievable

  • The module information is duplicated, additional storage space and processing time is needed to load the entire requirement category

  • Hard to maintain and manage the stored information. If a module information is updated the information in the requirement category storage needs to be updated as well.

After evaluating the pros and cons of both approaches, we have decided to implement Approach 1.

The main reason is that all module information would be duplicated again in the requirement category storage file. This would effectively make the module storage file redundant as the information can be found in the requirement category storage file.

In addition, when a module information is updated, we have to ensure that the information in both storage files are updated and consistent to avoid any conflicting information.

Another factor that heavily impacted the decision would be that each module is uniquely identified by a module code. Hence, by storing the module code only, the module’s information can be easily obtained.