PROJECT: PlanWithEase

Hello there, I am Wei Lin. I am currently pursuing a degree in Information Security at National University of Singapore (NUS).
I love to build and break applications!

This portfolio serves to document my involvements in a team-based project CS2113T (Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming) module by NUS. The project spans over a period of eight weeks, and was completed by a team of five members (consisting of Ahn TaeGyu, Bai YunWei, Lee Yu Choy, Yeo Cheng Hong and myself) over the span of 8 weeks.


In this project, our aim was to simplify the process of planning a degree, and ensure that the degree plan fulfills the degree requirements.

Planning a degree is certainly not an easy task, and can be very time-consuming. Furthermore, there are many considerations to make, making it difficult to create the perfect degree plan.

With this goal in mind, we developed PlanWithEase (PWE), a degree planner application designed to help NUS Information Security freshmen in creating a comprehensive degree plan according to the degree requirements effortlessly.


Understanding This Project Portfolio

The following symbols are used throughout this project portfolio:

This symbol denotes information that you may want to take note of when using the application.

This symbol denotes a tip which you may find useful when using the application.

This symbol denotes a warning message which you need to be careful of when using the application.

Additionally, you may also encounter the following text styles:

  • Commands or parameters will be in this format.

  • Important messages will be bold.

  • Undoable command will be in italics.

  • Keyboard buttons will be referred to as such: F1.

Summary of Contributions

This section provides a summary on the contributions I made to this project.

Major Enhancement: Module Management

Add, Edit & Delete Modules

This feature allows the user to manage modules in PlanWithEase easily using the add, edit and delete commands.

  • Justification: Users can keep track of module details (such as module co-requisites, the semesters the modules are offered in, etc.) within PlanWithEase to facilitate their planning.

  • Highlights: This enhancement performs numerous validation checks to ensure that the degree plan created by the user remains sound after users edit module details, which is crucial in enabling the whole application to function correctly. The module management commands also provide tips on how to resolve any errors encountered by the users.

Other Contributions:

  • Project management:

    • Managed releases v1.1, v1.2, v1.2.1 and v1.3 (4 releases) on GitHub

    • Reviewed about one-third of the team’s Pull Requests (PRs) and gave non-trivial review comments (examples: PRs #43, #64, #69)

  • Notable Enhancements/Modifications to Existing Features:

    • Collaborated with a team mate (Lee Yu Choy) to implement a custom string tokenizer BooleanExpressionTokenizer, which was pivotal in enabling users to be able to use complex search conditions to narrow down their search when using the find and planner_show commands (PR #119)

    • Introduced data integrity validations for Storage component (PRs #122, #204, #222)

    • Performed surgical refactoring of the original Address Book (Level 4) codebase to fit our requirements (example: PRs #18, #27, #30)

    • Populated sample data used to guide new users in using the application (examples: PRs #45, #146)

    • Implemented precondition checks to all functional code to follow defensive programming practices (example: PR #170)

  • Documentation:

    • Performed cosmetic tweaks to existing contents of the User Guide: (examples: PRs #147, #218)

  • Community:

    • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: PRs #14, #15, #23, #24)

    • Reported numerous bugs in another team’s project, Budgeter (examples: Issues #71, #78, #84, #88)

  • Tools:

    • Integrated Travis & AppVeyor Continuous Integration (CI) tools, Coveralls code coverage tool, Codacy code analytics tool, Netlify deployment preview tool to the team’s repository (examples: PRs #4, #23)

    • Updated Gradle build configuration to automate and simplify the build process (examples: PRs #107, #201)

    • Added a new Github plugin (project-bot) to automate triaging of issues in the team’s Project Board

Contributions to the User Guide

The following sections illustrate my ability in writing documentation targeting end-users to guide them in using the various features of the application.

Module Management

In this section, you’ll be introduced to commands that helps you to manage modules in PlanWithEase.

Below is a list of command parameters that you can expect to use for commands in this section.



Acceptable Range of Values


Indicates the module code
(e.g. CS2101).

CODE should begin with two alphabets, followed by four digits, and may optionally end with an alphabet.
CODE is case-insensitive.


Indicates the name of the module
(e.g. Effective Communication for Computing Professionals).

NAME should only contain alphanumeric characters, punctuations (excluding "(", ")", "&", "|") and spaces.
Note that if you are using punctuations, you may want to consider replacing "()" with "[]", "&" with "and", and "|" with "l" (lowercase L) instead!


Indicates the modular credits assigned to the module
(e.g. 4 Modular Credits).

CREDITS should be whole numbers between 0 to 999 (both inclusive).


Indicates the semester which the module is offered in.
(e.g. Semester 1)

SEMESTER should only be either 1, 2, 3 or 4.
3 and 4 indicates special term semesters 1 and 2 respectively.


Indicates the module code of a co-requisite module.
(e.g. CS2101 is a co-requisite module of CS2113T)

COREQUISITE follow the same format as CODE.


Indicates the extra information to associate the module with (e.g. Presentation, Email).

TAG should only contain alphabets and numbers.

CODE must be unique in the module list.
You cannot add/edit modules to have the same module code as another module in the module list.

Adding modules : add module add blue

Before you can add modules to the degree plan, you’ll need to add modules into the module list first.
It’s easy to add a module into the module list! Here’s how you can use the add command.

Command Format: add code/CODE name/NAME credits/CREDITS [sem/SEMESTER]… [coreq/COREQUISITE]… [tag/TAG]…

Please note that you cannot add a new module which has a co-requisite module already existing in the degree plan.
You’ll need to remove the module from the degree plan first before you can add the new module in with the co-requisite module specified.


  • add code/GEH1074 name/Luck credits/4 sem/1 sem/2
    Adds a module named Luck with module code GEH1074, which is assigned 4 modular credits and is offered in semesters 1 and 2, to the module list.

module add luck
Figure 1. New module "GEH1074 Luck" added to module list successfully

When adding a module with a corequisite, if the module is added successfully, the co-requisite modules will be updated as well.


  • add name/Skills code/GEH1074T credits/4 sem/1 sem/2 coreq/GEH1074 tag/GEM tag/economics
    Adds a module named Skills with module code GEH1074T, which is assigned 4 modular credits and has module code GEH1074 as a corequisite, to the module list. The module added has the tags GEM and economics as well.
    Both modules (GEH1074T and GEH1074) will be updated to be co-requisites as shown below.

module add coreq
Figure 2. Module GEH1074T is added successfully; GEH1074T and GEH1074 are now co-requisites.

Editing modules : edit module edit blue

Want to change the module details? No problem!
You can use this handy edit command to update the module details to your liking.

Command Format: edit INDEX [name/NAME] [code/CODE] [credits/CREDITS] [sem/SEMESTER]… [coreq/COREQUISITE]… [tag/TAG]…

  • Edits the module at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number (beside the module code) shown in the displayed module list.

  • You need to provide at least one of the optional fields to edit.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • When editing semesters/corequisites/tags, the existing semesters/corequisites/tags of the module will be removed (i.e adding of semesters/corequisites/tags is not cumulative.)

  • You can remove all the module’s tags by typing tag/ without specifying any tags after it.

  • Likewise, you can remove all module’s co-requisites or semesters by typing coreq/ and sem/ respectively without specifying any values after the parameter prefix.


  • edit 1 name/Data Structures and Algorithms code/CS1234
    Edits the name and code of the 1st module in the displayed module list to be Data Structures and Algorithms and CS1234 respectively.

  • edit 3 code/CS2040C tag/
    Edits the code of the 3rd module in the displayed module list to be CS2040C and clears all existing tags associated with the module.

  • edit 5 coreq/CS2105 coreq/CS2106
    Edits the co-requisites of the 5th module in the displayed module list to be CS2105 and CS2106.

Just like the add command, when editing the co-requisites of a module, the co-requisite modules will be updated as well.

Example: If GEH1074 and GEH1074T are not co-requisites, running the command edit 1 coreq/GEH1074T (assuming index 1 of the module list is GEH1074) will result in GEH1074 and GEH1074T being co-requisites.

module edit coreq
Figure 3. GEH1074 and GEH1074T are being edited to be co-requisites.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

The following sections illustrate my ability in writing documentation to provide developers insights on the design of the application. It also showcase the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Edit Module Feature

The edit feature aims to help users update module details in our application. When there are changes to be made to the module (e.g. semesters which modules are offered in have changed), users will want to be able to update the module details easily without going through the hassle of deleting and adding the new module.

This section describes the implementation and the design considerations of the edit feature, and how the edit feature is capable of cascading the updated module code from the module list to the requirement categories and degree plan.

Current Implementation

When the user invokes the edit command, e.g. (edit 1 code/CS1231), the following steps are taken by the application.

  1. The CommandParser invokes the EditCommandParser class to parse the user input provided. The parsed data will then be used to create a EditCommand object and will be returned to CommandParser and subsequently LogicManager.

  2. LogicManager would then invoke the EditCommand#execute(…​), which performs the following validation checks to ensure that the edited module details are valid.

    • Ensures that the edited module does not exists in module list (non-duplicate module)

    • Ensures that the edited module is not updated to be a co-requisite of itself (no self-referencing)

    • Ensures that the edited module’s co-requisite exists in the module list

    • Ensures that the edited module’s co-requisites can be taken in the same semester

    • Ensures that the edited module can be taken in the same semester as the edited module’s co-requisites

    • Ensures that the updated semesters which the edited module is offered in allows the module to remain in the current semester of the degree plan.

  3. Once the validation checks are complete, EditCommand will invoke Model#editModule(…​), which will be discussed later.

  4. EditCommand will then invoke Model#updateFilteredModuleList(…​) to display all modules in the filtered module list.

  5. Finally, a success message will be displayed to the user.

The high-level overview sequence diagram for the edit feature is shown below.

errorChecks(…​) does not actually exists in EditCommand.
It is used below as a representation of all the validation checks (discussed above) present in EditCommand.execute(…​).

SD Edit Overview
Figure 4. High-level overview sequence diagram for edit feature

If there are any changes made to the module’s code, Model#editModule(…​) will cascade the edited module code to the rest of the Model objects (namely UniqueModuleList, UniqueDegreePlannerList, UniqueRequirementCategoryList) through Application.

  1. When Model#editModule(…​) is invoked, Application#editModule(…​) will be called.

  2. Application#setModule(…​) is invoked to replace the original module with the edited module in UniqueModuleList.

  3. When setting the edited module in UniqueModuleList, UniqueModuleList will cascade the edited module code to all modules' co-requisites

  4. The edited module code is cascaded to UniqueDegreePlanner as Application#setModule(…​) checks if the original module code exists in the degree planner, and if so, updates it accordingly.

  5. Similarly, Application#setModule(…​) also checks if the original module code exists in the requirement categories, and if so, updates it accordingly.

SD Edit Detailed
Figure 5. Sequence diagram for edit feature illustrating cascading of edited module code

Design Considerations

Aspect: How should edited module code be cascaded down to other Model objects?

The table below shows comparisons between the two approaches.




1. Implement cascading of edited module code in EditCommand

It makes sense for a class in Logic component to handle logic-related matters.

  • It creates coupling between EditCommand and the various Model objects (i.e. UniqueModuleList, UniqueDegreePlannerList and UniqueRequirementCategoryList.

2. Implement cascading of edited module code in Application

It doesn’t create additional coupling with other Model components

  • Implementing logic (cascading effect) in Application (a class in Model component) may contradict Separation of Concerns Principle.

After weighing the pros and cons, approach 2 was chosen.

Firstly, doing so will reduce the need for additional coupling with other Model components (as compared to approach 1). Although it may seem strange to implement logic checks to achieve the desired cascading effect of the edited module code in Application (a class in the Model component), implementing logic checks in Model can also be seen as a way of maintaining data integrity. One such example is Java’s Set interface (Model), where each implementing class ensures that there are no duplicate elements in the collection of data (i.e. implementing logic in model).

Similarly, implementing cascading of edited module code in Application is deemed to be similar to implement logic in model for maintaining data integrity. As such, approach 2 is more suitable and was chosen.